Feedback with EarBuds
EarBuds Podcast Collective is a listening movement. We send a weekly podcast recommendation email that contains a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme. The best part is that each week is curated by a different person -- and anyone can curate!This podcast will highlight each week's podcast picks, information about the curator, and more. We'll also share podcast tips, industry news, and bonus recommendations from time to time. EarBuds Podcast Collective was created in February 2017. The founder is Arielle Nissenblatt. The editor of the newsletter is Abby Klionsky. We have created a vast online community, accessible through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This podcast is meant to make EarBuds more accessible and to turn more people on to amazing podcasts and the people that are listening to them.
Feedback with EarBuds
BONUS: The Anti-Hiatus Episode
Arielle Nissenblatt
MANY podcasts go on hiatus between Christmas and New Years so we wanted to drop something in your feed. Check it out!Welcome to a bonus episode of Feedback with EarBuds!Feedback with EarBuds is a listening movement. Each Sunday night we send an email that contains a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. On the podcast, we give a rundown on the week’s podcast recommendations, some information on the curator, and more!Every so often, we also release bonus episodes. Today’s bonus is a holiday episode!We share the following info in this episode: - A podcast I’m (host, Arielle) excited for in 2020 (Podcast Gumbo) - A podcast I just discovered and have been enjoying - An audio drama I didn’t think I’d love but I do - A podcast that, although it’s on hiatus for a few weeks, is staying active on social media - An end of year round up list and where to find itSpecial thanks to Jeremy Einhorn who engineered, mixed, and mastered this episode. Abby Klionsky edits our newsletter, which can be found at Thank you to Matthew Swedo for composing our music. It rocks and we love it. Find him and ask him all about your music needs. He’s at @matthewswedo on Instagram and online at us on social media:Twitter: @earbudspodcolInstagram: @earbudspodcastcollectiveFacebook: EarBuds Podcast CollectiveIf you like this podcast, please subscribe and tell a friend about the beauty of podcasts!Thanks so much for tuning in! We'll be back to our regularly published episodes that contain podcast recommendations on Sunday night!More information at