Feedback with EarBuds
EarBuds Podcast Collective is a listening movement. We send a weekly podcast recommendation email that contains a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme. The best part is that each week is curated by a different person -- and anyone can curate!This podcast will highlight each week's podcast picks, information about the curator, and more. We'll also share podcast tips, industry news, and bonus recommendations from time to time. EarBuds Podcast Collective was created in February 2017. The founder is Arielle Nissenblatt. The editor of the newsletter is Abby Klionsky. We have created a vast online community, accessible through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This podcast is meant to make EarBuds more accessible and to turn more people on to amazing podcasts and the people that are listening to them.
Feedback with EarBuds
26: "Real Role Models" Week
Arielle Nissenblatt
Welcome to episode 26! It covers the week of March 30 - April 3, 2020.This week’s theme is: *Real Role Models.* Our curator is Sue Stockdale.More on this podcast:Each week on this podcast, we’ll share the information that's within the newsletter put out by EarBuds Podcast Collective. EBPC is a listening movement. We send a weekly email with a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. Anyone can curate a list -- just reach out!We partner with Inside Podcasting to bring you the week’s top podcast news stories. Written by Skye Pillsbury, Inside Podcasting is a thrice weekly email newsletter that covers the podcast world.Here’s why Sue chose this theme:We can all achieve amazing things in our lives, yet we often limit ourselves. By listening to real-life stories of others, it connects us to new possibilities and to think “maybe I could?" MONDAY: Kalki Presents: My Indian Life - Rocket Woman - 24 minutes In this episode we hear from rocket scientist BP Dakshayani, from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), who programmed a satellite on its mission to the Mars, about what inspired her to learn about science. TUESDAY: Scottish Business Network - Sue Stockdale: Bringing 'Superhuman' Performance to Business - 33 minutes In this episode Sue Stockdale explains how going on an expedition to the North Pole became a tipping point in her life, and how she uses that experience to inspire others. WEDNESDAY: Breaking Bread - A Conversation with Ping Coombes - 27 minutes In this episode Ping Coombes, winner of MasterChef talks about her life and how she has inspired people through her love of Malaysian food. THURSDAY: Access to Inspiration - Loshni Manikam: Improving Wellbeing in New Zealand's Dairy Industry - 12 minutes In this episode, New Zealand coach Loshni Manikam explains how she helps women in the dairy industry to thrive and realise more of their potential. FRIDAY: Desert Island Discs - Mary Portas - 35 minutes In this episode UK's foremost authority on retail and brand communication, Mary Portas explains how she overcame significant challenges in her childhood and go on to achieve career success.All of these episode recommendations are available on Podchaser, Castbox, and wherever else you get your podcasts! For the Podchaser playlist, just search “Real Role Models” in the search bar at podchaser.com. Want to sponsor one of our upcoming episodes or newsletters? Email us at earbudspodcastcollective@gmail.com. Here’s Sue’s Self Promo:Learn from people who you may think are ‘unalike’ you. Whilst they may be from different countries, backgrounds, generations, cultures etc. they are also human beings who have energy, passion and enthusiasm. That way we can broaden our perspectives and appreciate difference, rather than fearing it.Here's Sue’s CROWDSOURCING QUESTION:How do we use the current coronavirus situation to have more meaningful virtual conversations with others? In this episode, we introduce you to Matt Swedo, our theme music composer. He shares a bit about himself and how he got involved with EarBuds.Use this hashtag to discuss this theme online with us: #RoleModelsThis episode was written and produced by Arielle Nissenblatt, who also hosts the show. Special thanks to Daniel Tureck who mixes and masters Feedback with EarBuds. Abby Klionsky edits our newsletter, which can be found at earbudspodcastcollective.org. Thank you to Matthew Swedo for composing our music. Find him and ask him all about your music needs. He’s at @matthewswedo on Instagram and www.matthewswedomusic.com online. Shoutout to Arielle’s roommates, Lauren and Melissa, (and now co-workers) who are working from home now. They introduce themselves at the beginning of this episode!Follow us on social media:Twitter: @earbudspodcolInstagram: @earbudspodcastcollectiveFacebook: EarBuds Podcast CollectiveIf you like this p