Feedback with EarBuds
EarBuds Podcast Collective is a listening movement. We send a weekly podcast recommendation email that contains a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme. The best part is that each week is curated by a different person -- and anyone can curate!This podcast will highlight each week's podcast picks, information about the curator, and more. We'll also share podcast tips, industry news, and bonus recommendations from time to time. EarBuds Podcast Collective was created in February 2017. The founder is Arielle Nissenblatt. The editor of the newsletter is Abby Klionsky. We have created a vast online community, accessible through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This podcast is meant to make EarBuds more accessible and to turn more people on to amazing podcasts and the people that are listening to them.
Feedback with EarBuds
23: "أَهْلًا وَسَهْلً - Ahlan wa Sahlan - Welcome" Week
Arielle Nissenblatt
Welcome to episode 23! It covers the week of March 9 - 13, 2020.This week’s theme is: *أَهْلًا وَسَهْلً - Ahlan wa Sahlan - Welcome.* Our curator is Miriam Tinberg.More on this podcast:Each week on this podcast, we’ll share the information that's within the newsletter put out by EarBuds Podcast Collective. EBPC is a listening movement. We send a weekly email with a theme and 5 podcast episodes on that theme, and each week is curated by a different person. Anyone can curate a list -- just reach out!We partner with Inside Podcasting to bring you the week’s top podcast news stories. Written by Skye Pillsbury, Inside Podcasting is a thrice weekly email newsletter that covers the podcast world.This week:This week's theme comes to us Miriam Tinberg and is called: أَهْلًا وَسَهْلً - Ahlan wa Sahlan - Welcome.Here’s why Miriam chose this theme:I have held a passion and curiosity for the Middle East for more than a decade at this point. Since we so rarely hear nuances or complexities about the region, my hope is that the podcast medium creates an opportunity for people who wouldn't otherwise be exposed to these stories to sit, listen, think, and allow for those gray areasMONDAY: See Something Say Something - Taking the Numb Out of Numbers - 40 minutesTUESDAY: Kerning Cultures - Not Just My Hijab (Part I) - 22 minutesWEDNESDAY: Man Up - Why Can't My Wife and I Pray Together - 31 minutesTHURSDAY: Al Empire - Hamed Sinno: Mashrou’ Leila Singer/Songwriter - 44 minutesFRIDAY: Jasadi - أول مرة (My Body: First Time) - 21 minutesNB from Miriam: This episode is in Arabic. I chose to include it -- and hope there are some Arabic-speakers on this list -- because I believe representation and inclusion matter. The episode itself features a few Arab women talking about their first times hearing about and experiencing the concept of sex, something considered haram (shameful) in many Arab communities. Since sex is so rarely discussed in the Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East and North Africa, it was important for me to include it in this week's curation.All of these episode recommendations are available on Podchaser, Castbox, and wherever else you get your podcasts!Want to sponsor one of our upcoming episodes? Email us at earbudspodcastcollective@gmail.com.Here's Miriam's SELF PROMO: If you, or anyone you know are enrolled in a degree-granting institution (undergrad, grad etc.), and are interested in studying Arabic and living in the Middle East / North Africa (MENA) region, I can talk your ear off about U.S. State Department grants and scholarships to apply for to that will get you there for free! I love reading application essays, so hit me up!Here's Miriam's CROWDSOURCING QUESTION: Reflect on your podcast queue: is it mainly voices and stories that are familiar to you? Stories that you might hear in your circles already? Or, is it a mix of voices that aren't otherwise represented in your non-podcast life? No judgement here -- just interesting to think about and discuss.Use this hashtag to discuss this theme online with us: #WelcomeAhlanThis episode was written and produced by Arielle Nissenblatt, who also hosts the show. Special thanks to Daniel Tureck who mixes and masters Feedback with EarBuds. Abby Klionsky edits our newsletter, which can be found at earbudspodcastcollective.org. Thank you to Matthew Swedo for composing our music. Find him and ask him all about your music needs. He’s at @matthewswedo on Instagram and www.matthewswedomusic.comonline.Follow us on social media:Twitter: @earbudspodcolInstagram: @earbudspodcastcollectiveFacebook: EarBuds Podcast CollectiveIf you like this podcast, please subscribe and tell a friend about the beauty of podcasts!More information at earbudspodcastcollective.org